Trigger Challenge #1 : SalesforceCody


Welcome Back with new Challenge Series, Yes Triggers. Let’s do Live Use Case Trigger

Hello Salesforce Cody’s,

Let’s get started

Firstly, Create a Custom SObject Names as “Contact Optout

Fields to Be Created

  • Contact (Master Details)
  • SuppressionDate (Date)
  • CreateType (pick list => ‘Data Issue’, ‘ReCheck’)

Create some new Fields on Contact SObject

  • Data_issue (Checkbox)
  • Recheck (Checkbox)

We need a trigger on Contact SObject on the even of insert/update:

  1. If contact record has missed the value in the following fields then Data_Issue should
    • mark as TRUE else FALSE
    • 1.1 FirstName, Email, MailingStreet, MailingCity, MailingState, MailingPostalCode,MailingCountry
  2. If Data_issue/Recheck is true then we need to create Contact_Optout record for that
    • Contact record as following:
    • Data_Issue = true than Contact_Optout CreatedType = Data_Issue
    • Recheck = true than Contact_Optout CreatedType = Recheck
    • SuppressionDate = Today + 10 Years
  3. If Data_issue/Recheck is false then we need to delete respect Contact_Optout record
    • of that Contact of the respected CreatedType
  • Notes
    • There should only be one Contact_Optout record with each CreateType value
    • for a single Contact record, that mean there should not be two Contact_Optout
    • records where Created_Type=‘Data_issue’.

Here is the Solution:

trigger ContactOptout on Contact (Before Insert , Before Update , After Insert , After Update) {
    Id cid;
    String createdType ;
    List<Contact_Optout__c> conOptList = new List<Contact_Optout__c>();
    List<Contact_Optout__c> extConOptList = new List<Contact_Optout__c>();
    List<Contact>oldContactList = new List<Contact>();
    if((Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isInsert) || (Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isUpdate)){
        for(Contact c : Trigger.New){
            cid =;    
            if(c.FirstName == null || c.Email == null || c.MailingStreet == null || c.MailingCity == null || c.MailingPostalCode == null || 
               c.MailingState == null || c.MailingCountry == null){
                   c.Data_Issue__c = true;
                   c.ReCheck__c = false;         
                c.ReCheck__c = true;  
                c.Data_Issue__c = false;       
    if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isInsert){
        for(Contact c : Trigger.New){
            if(c.Data_Issue__c == true){
                Contact_Optout__c conOpt = new Contact_Optout__c();
                conOpt.Name = 'New1';
                conOpt.Contact__c =;
                conOpt.CreatedType__c = 'Data Issue'; 
                conOpt.SuppressionDate__c = System.Today().addYears(10);
            else if(c.ReCheck__c == True){
                Contact_Optout__c conOpt = new Contact_Optout__c();
                conOpt.Name = 'New1';
                conOpt.Contact__c =;
                conOpt.CreatedType__c = 'ReCheck'; 
                conOpt.SuppressionDate__c = System.Today().addYears(10);
            insert conOptList;
            insert extConOptList;
    if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate){
        for(Contact c : Trigger.New){  
            cid =;              
        oldContactList =[Select id , Data_Issue__c , ReCheck__c From Contact Where id=:cid];
        System.debug('The OldCOntactList is '+ oldContactList);
        conOptList = [Select id , name , CreatedType__c , SuppressionDate__c From Contact_Optout__c where Contact__c IN: oldContactList ];
        if(oldContactList[0].Data_Issue__c == false && oldContactList[0].ReCheck__c == false){
            for(Contact_Optout__c conOpt : conOptList){
        for(Contact_Optout__c conOpt : conOptList){
            System.debug('the Contact Optout List is-----------------------> '+ conOptList);
            if(oldContactList[0].Data_Issue__c == true){
                System.debug('the Contact Optout List is IN'+ conOptList);
                conOpt.CreatedType__c = 'Data Issue';
                conOpt.CreatedType__c = 'ReCheck';    
            delete extConOptList;
        update conOptList;       

Let us know in the comments if you stuck at somewhere

Contact us @salesforcecodyadmin [email protected]

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